Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Flight

A rather uneventful takeoff but not without questions from the inquisitive one, Ruby.

“Are we going to go higher than the clouds?”

“Well yes and no, some we will be higher than and some we won’t.”

“Will we be flying near heaven?”

“Good question, but probably not that high.”

As we make a turn during flight, “are we going to keep flying sideways the whole time?”

“We are just banking to turn right or better yet, no we won’t be flying sideways the whole time.”

“Could this plane take us to the jungle?”

“I’m sure it could but we are going to Colorado.”

“Is that near Iowa?”

“Not exactly.”

“Are we in space?”

“Does it look like we are in space,” I asked?

People think I talk a lot and I do, but good Lord. Flight time is around an hour and fifteen minutes. We are airborne for twenty minutes and here comes the obligatory, “dad I have to pee really bad.”

“Of course you do,” I reply.

We make our way to the “lavatory”, which by the way she says, “is where they do experiments” and we enter.

“This is the smallest bathroom I have ever been in my whole life. It’s so tiny. Is this for little people like me,” she asks?

“It’s for big and little people but it has to be small because there is not a lot of room on airplanes,” I add.

We climb over the poor gentleman who smells like Aqua Velva and immediately she requests a Sprite. I negotiate to a Vitamin water, which costs as much as liquid gold, but “we’re on vacation”. Lots can be justified using that phrase. We are then proceeded to have our two cookies, split an apple, and I’m ready to take a nap.

Before you know it we will be in Denver and my run in the clouds will begin.

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