Monday, March 17, 2014

Fortunate Versus Blessed

I am fortunate enough to have two jobs. I'm going on seven years at Perceptive Software and seven years at the Kansas City Power and Light Entertainment District. I'm a Project Manager at one and a Bartender at the other.

This past week I worked a full week at Perceptive (took a half day on Friday) and worked Thursday night, Friday and night, Saturday and night, and today, St. Patrick's Day. It's not easy all the time and I get tired like anyone else which makes me a bit grouchy and can lapse into a pity party if I'm not careful. What I mean by careful is I have to make sure I remember how fortunate I am to have the ability to work two jobs. There are a ton, A TON, of people who are struggling right now to make ends meet while I have the opportunity to save money.

I use the term fortunate because if I say blessed it sounds like I'm implying that some sort of divine intervention is looking out for me. I believe in God and think he/she works in my life everyday. I just don't believe that God chooses sides. When we keep doing the right thing, ask God to help us make those right decisions, ponder what God's will is for us, then unforeseen good things happen to us.

I never really wonder why things happen. I try to live more in the present. Trying to change the past or control how everything is going to work causes me to miss what is going on right now. I don't have enough time to worry about those things and when I concentrate and ask God to help me focus on today, I seem to have more positives in my life than negatives.

So the next time you are about to say, "I'm so blessed" think about saying, "I'm fortunate to have these things in my life."

Words matter.

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