Wednesday, February 6, 2019

New Words My Wife Uses

Teachers are also part-time meteorologists. We live where there are four seasons each year and Winter can be an exciting time for kids and educators alike due to the possibility of a snow day. I really don't know who is more excited to get the announcement of a school closing due to the weather, my wife or my kids but I really think it's my wife.What I have noticed, in the past few years, is how expansive her vocabulary has become in relation to weather. Lately, it the polar vortex that has her psyched up. That's not a phrase that just gets normally dropped into a lively morning banter but in the past few weeks, I have heard it numerous times.

"Probably going to need to get out the bird water heater due to the polar vortex that's coming."

Read that sentence a few times and try not to have your brain explode.

"We are probably going to miss school tomorrow due to Winter Storm Harper."

My first thought was that an X-Men character was going to attack the school or some new kid with three first names was shutting the place down. I had no idea that we had taken to naming Winter weather storms.

We all have way too much time on our hands.

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