Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Back in Business with the Yellow Bugs Soccer Team

The future's so bright I have to wear shades. That is how I feel right now and that is what I see when I watch these seven girls kick the ball around and put beat down after beat down on helpless five year olds. After a three week hiatus, I got back on the field with my girls and we picked up where we left off. 

We had one game rained out the day of my marathon but that was cool because I hate missing games.  Last week, we were in Fort Collins for Easter so I did have to miss that one but another Dad willingly stepped into the drivers seat to steer this machine to victory.  On Saturday, as Ruby and I got out of the car, the smell of freshly cut grass permeated the air, while the sun warmed us up into the proper playing temperature. 

After about thirty minutes of drills I asked the other coach if she was ready to go.  "I guess," was her reply. Not very convincing and a little bit snippy.  Let's hit the highlights quickly on this one.  Ruby and Susie combined for six goals and they didn't score one on us.  The other team did not get frustrated but their coach sure did.  I have one little girl who is practically spinning and dancing while she plays, she has embraced my Capoeira still of soccer, and after we scored our six goal she runs back to our side of the field and says while running, "six to zero Coach."

"Well that's rude," snipes the other coach.

Hold on a minute. First, my player was keeping score herself and in her excitement for our ass kicking we were laying down, happened to say the score out loud.  Now, I understand this is just for fun, and there is no winner or loser, but you better be damn sure that I tell them the score at the end of the game and congratulate them on winning.  If we lost I would tell them that as well.  Let's be real here. I'm not raising some softies and based on the continued participation of my team, their parents like how I coach.

Now back to the other coach for a minute. Here is my main problem with the Premier Coaches they employ in our league (and for full disclosure I sit on the board that oversees this league so I know these people), they are almost all college soccer players and this is their first experience coaching little kids.  Most of these coaches are all very skilled and wouldn't be playing college soccer if they weren't. Just because they are good doesn't mean then can coach.  This particular coach was having them drill step-overs and line drills. Get real! They are five, you should be teaching concepts such as offense, defense, the rules. Foot skills are great to teach, individually but come on this is supposed to be at their level. Secondly, she was yelling at them during the game and you could see the frustration in her face and hear it in her voice during the game. 

Anyway, after the game we enjoyed our post-game cheer and savory snacks.  The Yellow Bugs will crawl all up in your business! Boom!

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